Digital Marketing Audit
Dear {Company},
Thank you for allowing the V2M2 Group, Inc. to perform a complete digital marketing audit. As stated in the proposal, in order to develop the right strategy for your business, it is important to understand what the analytics are saying about your online presence.
In this report, we took a look at several key data sources for your business; the website user interface/experience (UI/UX), Google analytics, search engine optimization (SEO), website development audit, and ActiveCampaign. We will discuss each data in the following order:
- Google analytics
- Search engine optimization/website audit
- ActiveCampaign
- Social Media (if chosen to perform)
Each section will contain an explanation of our findings, along with recommendations. Finally, we will rank all recommendation by order of importance. To establish the priorities, we combined the difficulty of the solution, the cost, and the overall impact on your digital marketing.
Finally, we make our best efforts at making this report easy to understand. Should you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to us. Thank you.
Google Analytics
Google analytics, when combined with an e-commerce solution, can help you identify trends so that you can be proactive with your business planning. We analyzed one month's worth of data, November 7th, 2022 thru December 7th, 2022. Specific areas analyzed included:
- Traffic source-How are people finding your business?
- Users-New visitors compared to returning visitors
- Engagement-How are people interacting with your website
- Behavior-Entry and exit points from your website
- Monetization-Purchase behavior
The above data board is a comparison of last 30 days compared to previous 30 days. This will help to establish a current trend.
The above data board is the current quarter to date compared to the previous quarter to date.
The above graph illustrates the traffic flow of visitors through your website. Notably, 56% of your visitors leave from the first page without continuing. However, virtually everybody who goes directly to the {product} page stay. The next section, website UI/UX addresses this behavior.
What does this tell us?
With regard to new people visiting your site and finding your website, these numbers are trending up, which is a good thing. The past 30 days is indicative of an increase in traffic to your site. You were previously trending down compared to the previous quarter.
There is an increase in interest in your hearing aids, most notably the Signia-AX.
However, based on your sales data within Google analytics, there are not many purchases being made. This also coincides with what we call a high bounce rate. A bounce rate is when people visit a page of your website and then leave. This is good in some instances, meaning, they found what they were looking for. In other instances, if there are no purchases, and your bounce rate is high, then this may be indicative of:
Unpleasant user experience (UX)-Things are difficult to find, incomplete information, not enough information, slow website loading speed, etc.
Difficult checkout process
Lack of follow-up for abandoned carts or abandoned checkout process.
The above graphic shows that from all of your website visitors, only 16% looked at your products, and only .37% added anything to their cart. Why? Let's look further.
Website User Experience
User Experience
We took a look at exactly what your visitors are doing on your website to identify any potential bottlenecks, or valuable information that would help to formulate a strategy.
The below table is a snapshot of your website user experience from the past 30 days.
(Chart 1)
This is what the above table tells us:
Your front page had the most views and was second place for clicks. However, people only scrolled down 32% of your page. Why is this important? Only 40% of your viewers see your product offerings on the front page.
By the time they get to shop hearing aids, that number has fallen to 26%
Interestingly, your contact page had the highest number of clicks at 115 (ref: Chart 1). If you have not seen an increase in new contacts added to your database, or a corresponding increase in phone calls, this may be indicative of an issue with either your CRM, or possible missed phone calls with no messages left.
Actionable intel: Most people spent time on your site looking at the Signia-AX, Resound One and your reviews. This may be an indication of what to market to your prospective customers.
After the header (Top banner) on your website, the attention given to the rest of your website drops to 47%. This is a combination of scroll time and time spent looking at a certain section of the site.
- 1.Move products higher up on the main page. Possibly move it above the section: Hearing care at your fingertips.
- 2.Check Google My Business to see if they are registering a high number of phone calls in their data. If so, but you are not receiving them, consider a system for re-routing calls or an answering service. We do not have knowledge on whether you may already have an answering service.
- 3.If form submissions are not increasing from the website, consider an automated follow-up when someone is about to leave your website page. This can be accomplished through a pop-up or an enticing offer.
- 4.Create a stronger Call to Action (CTA) or value proposition to gain more interest on the first page of the website. This may increase engagement and scroll rates.
Website Audit and SEO
Findings and Recommendations
We performed an audit of your website to identify any issues that may be affecting the user experience and the search engine optimization of your website.
*Some things to note*
This is meant to be a guide. At times, false errors are reported. This may be a result of your website CMS (template) or some things that are identified as errors may have been done on purpose for several reasons. Nonetheless, access your detailed report here with both issue explanations and suggested fixes. Share this with your web developer who will be able to assess the validity of some of the identified errors.
Your website score-This metric was developed to assess the overall health of websites. It is calculated based on the number of issues that were found on the website during the audit and the impact these issues have on website performance. Critical issues are given more weight.
We identified your top competitors based on your industry and narrowed our results to the Orland Park area. For e-commerce, we can expand our search to the entire United States if requested. We looked at the following search engines:
- 1.Google
- 2.Google mobile
- 3.Bing
- 4.Yahoo
Our keywords were based off of top keywords for competitors, those extracted from your website and keywords for your industry.
It appears that you have registered your site with Google, but little attention has been given to the Bing and Yahoo search engines. Albeit smaller than Google, Bing and Yahoo can still contribute to traffic
High search volume keywords are not optimized on website
Your highest-ranking keywords: "Affordable hearing center" and "Best place to buy a hearing aid" are your highest-ranking keywords. However, collectively, there are only 490 searches per month for those keywords combined. "Best hearing aid store near me" ranks {Your company} on the first page of Google. However, there are only 30 searches per month for that keyword.
The above chart shows a snapshot of some identified competitors. You may have identified others, but this gives you a snapshot of how your rankings compare to others that are appearing in {your local} searches. Upon request, we can add some competitors that you have identified. Just let us know.
(Search engine identified competitors)
- Address the identified critical issues first from the website audit.
- Identify high search volume keywords and optimize your website pages for those keywords.
- Publish regular blog articles containing high search volume keywords. This will help your search engine rankings increase as Google will start to recognize you as an authority for those keywords.
- Register and optimize your site for Bing and Yahoo.
- Analyze top keywords from your competitors and copy those into your SEO strategy. Your SEO specialist should know how to execute this task.
Analysis and Recommendations
ActiveCampaign has the power to build, prequalify, engage and upsell anyone that visits your website or enters your database through a variety of inbound channels. Additionally, ActiveCampaign has the ability to track conversions from ecommerce, and engage customers with information that interests them.
We analyzed the following within ActiveCampaign:
- Contact lists and tags-Segmentation
- Contact Scoring
- Forms
- List names-Segmentation
- Automations-Structure and Content
- Customer Journey as illustrated through automation sequences
- 3rd Party Integrations-WooCommerce
Contact Lists-Segmentation
The Contact List is great and has a few tags assigned to contacts. Most of the contacts appear to have been entered through a bulk import with very general categories/tags. This is a great start. However, subtle improvements can be made to aid in the overall marketing approach. For example, the tag "bought in office" provides no more detail about the purchase. "What was purchased in office?" "When was it purchased?" We do understand that such segmentation is not automatic when importing a database into ActiveCampaign (AC). This is an easy fix:
- Connect the WooCommerce app to segment purchases via tags to aid in follow-up or upsells.
- Connect POS system to track in-office sales and segment purchases via tags.
Contact Scoring
Contact scoring is a great tool for gauging the interest of your database contacts. This allows you to be very specific with your messaging, thereby adding a very personal touch for your customers/prospects. This is accomplished by assigning scores based on actions taken by prospects/customers. This may be opening an email, downloading a whitepaper or following you on social media. These actions are scored based on their level of importance to your business or "closing a deal".
- Build out your customer journey so that the importance of specific actions may be assigned scores
- Set up contact/account scoring
There are no ActiveCampaign forms to date. ActiveCampaign forms will allow you to trigger different automations. Forms may be created for a variety of purposes. For example, a contact for the website, a form for running a special, or a different form for your social media accounts. This will aid in segmentation and may also be linked to a specific landing page (created within ActiveCampaign) for promoting specific services/products.
Create forms in line with customer journey and marketing plan
Lists and Segmentation
Lists and tags are often interchangeable within ActiveCampaign and can often be confusing. {Your Company} has three lists: Master List, Customers and Referrals. This is a good start. We recommend creating lists for specific events, such as webinars. Keep the number of lists to a minimum. Specific campaigns may be sent based on tags alone.
- Change name of Customer List to General or Master List
- Move those on the current Master List to the General List and tag them as internal or support team.
- Move Referrals to General/Master list and tag them as referrals
Automations are the true strength of ActiveCampaign. Automations are their strongest and most impactful when built in sync with a well-planned out customer journey.
{Your Company} has a few active automations and several inactive automations. These automations are a great start, and the thought process is sound. For example, having separate automations for specific buying patterns. We understand that the current automations are in their infancy and need guidance for them to reach their full potential. Full potential is attained through a combination of aforementioned factors. These include the customer journey, contact scoring, proper tags, third party integration (Woocommerce), and the overall marketing strategy.
Every one of the formers factors will allow you to have an automated marketing and sales process, thereby allowing {Your Company} team to focus on operational factors within the business. on
- Map out the customer journey-A helpful article on mapping out the customer journey
- Address prior recommendations prior to building automations
- Create automations based on organizational goals (sales, direction, unique value proposition etc.)
- 1.Determine overall marketing/sales objectives (moderate)
- 2.Build out customer journey (moderate)
- 3.Reorganize website (easy)
- 4.Implement ActiveCampaign recommendations (difficult)
- 5.Website Audit fixes (moderate)
- 6.SEO-keywords based on marketing/sales objectives (easy)
Final Thoughts
Thank you
Our hope is that you found this digital marketing audit extremely helpful. A knowledge of your strengths combined with potential bottlenecks can greatly help with forging an impactful plan.
{Your Company} has many of the correct pieces in place. They only need to be positioned in their correct places to build a well-oiled machine that will lead to great success. Digital marketing has so many moving parts, and we are extremely happy and impressed that {Your company} took the first step to learn how to effectively implement those moving parts.
Please let us know if we can be of any further assistance.
CEO, V2M2 Group, Inc.